I thought, ‘This is the way. You believe in a God, but not in a religious way. We human beings like to give him names, whether that is Jesus or whatever else. But my view is that God is ONE, whether it is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, almost anything, and that he is everywhere. He (or she) has (no gender), colour, no religion, no race, nothing. It’s incredible how close he is to you and to everybody. You just call him (her/It) and he’s there. That’s it, simple. And this is the reality we so often forget.”

sky (colours)

This is one of my favourite thoughts and sums up my message, my “little” life…in trying in some small way to break down barriers between people.

“I had a good chance to meet a yogi who was so spiritual and happy all the time. I wondered how he managed his thinking and I learned a lot from him. I saw him and I thought, ‘This is the way. You believe in a God, but not in a religious way. We human beings like to give him names, whether that is Jesus or whatever else. But my view is that God is ONE, whether it is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, almost anything, and that he is everywhere. He (or she) has (no gender), colour, no religion, no race, nothing. It’s incredible how close he is to you and to everybody. You just call him (her/It) and he’s there. That’s it, simple.

And this is the reality we so often forget.”

– Balbir Singh, former physio-therapist and confidante to Michael Schumacher (and student of psychology …with my little additional few words in brackets)

from a great book by Clyde Brolin ‘Overdrive: Formula One in the Zone’

www.overdrivef1.com and and God and Formula 1 http://www.amazon.com/GOD-AND-FORMULA-ONE-F1-ebook/dp/B005Z6BFX0

“For me, God is a Creative Presence (far greater and deeper than my own consciousness). A Presence that I can experience on earth and allows me to be all that I am able to become.”

– craig

The various books* that Craig “felt inspired to write” (including his various books on “the spiritual journey”) are available at:


http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005GGMAW4 and http://goo.gl/vTpjk

All proceeds go to needy and underprivileged children –



5 thoughts on “I thought, ‘This is the way. You believe in a God, but not in a religious way. We human beings like to give him names, whether that is Jesus or whatever else. But my view is that God is ONE, whether it is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, almost anything, and that he is everywhere. He (or she) has (no gender), colour, no religion, no race, nothing. It’s incredible how close he is to you and to everybody. You just call him (her/It) and he’s there. That’s it, simple. And this is the reality we so often forget.”

  1. Pingback: I thought, ‘This is the way. You believe in a God, but not in a religious way. We human beings like to give him names, whether that is Jesus or whatever else. But my view is that God is ONE, whether it is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, almost anyth

  2. Pingback: ‘I thought, ‘This is the way. You believe in a God, but not in a religious way…’ | Together...Let's Break (Tear) Down Walls (Barriers) and Build Bridges of Understanding

  3. Pingback: ‘I thought, ‘This is the way. You believe in a God, but not in a religious way…’ | My Journey of Faith: "Faith is the soul seeing what the eyes can't"

  4. Pingback: ‘I thought, ‘This is the way. You believe in a God, but not in a religious way…’ | Craig's List of Writings

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